Meet ROTC Cadet Ben Mouritsen

Meet BYU ROTC Cadet Mouritsen

This Veterans Day, BYU Independent Study honors those who serve our country to preserve our freedoms. The military contains many notable leaders, but we want to spotlight Ben Mouritsen.

Mouritsen grew up overseas in Germany with his dad a colonel, and grandpa a lieutenant colonel. He is at Brigham Young University studying economics as he wants to have an Army career in finance. He completed two BYU Independent Study online courses (Management Communication MCOM 320 and Principles of Accounting ACC 200) to assist his studies.

"I recommend BYU Independent Study classes. The flexibility allows you to make your schedule and still get through your major at the right pace or speed," says Mouritsen.

Watch a brief spotlight on Mouritsen.

Mouritsen looks forward to his military career. "So when times get tough, you have to have mental discipline and fortitude to push through for what you want. I believe in that strongly. Go Cougs!"

We thank Mouritsen, along with all military members, this Veterans Day.

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